• Horse Match Profile (Adoption & Foster)

    Thank you for your interest in giving a horse in need a great home. Please allow us up to one week to get back to your application. We will be in touch as soon as possible!
  • To ensure that horses are matched with the most appropriate home for their needs, please complete the following profile. All information will be kept confidential and active for six months after the date of filing.
  • Choose one option below:
  • Please list up to three (use the + symbol to add horses)
  • Riding and Handling Experience

  • If considering only non-rideable horses, list ages only (use the + symbol to add riders).
  • Reference

    Please list your veterinarian if you currently have horses. If you are not a current horse owner please provide a reference, not related to you, that has information about your capabilities to care for an adopted or foster horse.
  • Additional Information

  • By submitting this application, I certify that I am over the age of 21 and all information contained in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. Note: CHR reserves the right to refuse adoption if CHR deems the horse and adopter are not a suitable match, and/or for any other reason as CHR sees important.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • We've recently made some changes to this form. If you submit the form and it seems "stuck" please try clearing your cache. To do that depends on your browser so we're providing this link to assist you: How to clear browser cache (including mobile)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Hang tight while we go get your horse!