Jun 24

An Evening with the Herd

Mane Event at the Ranch

Written by: Tauren Feuerstein, Donor Relations Manager

Mane Event

Mane Event at the Ranch is the premiere way for supporters to experience CHR’s impact.

Veteran guests, volunteers, and staff alike eagerly await CHR’s annual fundraising gala and benefit dinner which takes place every September at the beautiful property in Longmont. The sprawling grounds are transformed for guests to enjoy – bar stations constructed and stocked, tents assembled, tables exquisitely decorated. While sipping refreshing beverages and snacking on hors d’oeuvres, guests meet special members of the CHR herd, their individual stories beautifully displayed on handcrafted signposts or narrated by devoted volunteers. Avid horse lovers and equine newcomers mingle, leaning on fence posts, asking each other, “How did you first hear about CHR?” and “Who’s your favorite horse so far?” In the warm glow of a summer sunset, deserving horses excitedly eat their suppers alongside the generous humans who helped purchase their feed. In short, Mane Event at the Ranch is an evening where CHR supporters get to fully immerse themselves in the impact of their gifts and develop a deeper understanding of the work they’re making possible. Not only is it meaningful, but it’s oh-so-much fun!

Mane Event

If you haven’t yet attended Mane Event, let this be your inaugural year! We humbly invite you to join us on September 21st to celebrate the important work our donors are making possible and look ahead to a brighter future for horses, in Colorado and beyond.

NEW! CHR is excited to be offering two upgraded table packages that allow for an enhanced guest experience. You can find the details in our Mane Event Sponsorship and Table Packages packet.

Early bird tickets go on sale on July 1st. Purchase tickets and table packages at a discount before prices go up on August 1st! 



Hang tight while we go get your horse!