Our dream at CHR is to offer every horse that strides through our gates a safe solution and hopefully a second chance for a loving home. Earlier this year we saved two special horses from the local livestock auction and were able to be the change they needed to find a different fate.

The first of these was Jagger, back then just a small stud colt that had not even been halter broken. Once on our property, this young man had been quickly turned into a sweet gelding, and an instant heart stealer. Jagger took no time at all to learn all the basic manners of being a good member of society, including how to wear the halter and trust his handlers. Once he passed his kindergarten lessons, he was let loose to pasture with our herd of geldings and his true personality as a goof ball came out instantaneously! Now a little bit bigger and wiser, the lingering silly charm was exactly what Jagger’s adopters fell head over heels for! They saw all this sweet boy’s potential in becoming a wonderful partner in their horse journey together. Babies are incredibly special to us at the Colorado Horse Rescue, and we try so hard to make sure that no matter where they go there is a bright future awaiting them. We are confident that this family will bring out the best in Jagger, as he will do the same for them!
Fern is our second story of the day. She was also saved from the livestock auction, but from what we can tell she came with a much different past than Jagger. Upon our first evaluation of this mare, we discovered a horse holding a lot of fear around people and the potential of what they may do to her. Due to this, it seemed that she had developed aggressive survival techniques to prevent any more harm coming her way. As we learned more and more about Fern, we decided to go slowly with her rehabilitation process to develop her trust in people anew. With a thoughtful approach in positive reinforcement training, we began to show her that we are not the same humans that may have been in her past and that not everything that happens will have a negative effect on her. Instead, we were able to make ourselves and the environments that we created a source of joy for Fern. After watching so much progress being made in this brave mare’s story, it was time to see if she could continue her journey in the hands of a wonderful foster home.

The best part about these two tales is that they are one in the same! Once Jagger’s family came to meet their boy for the first appointment, they also witnessed Fern in passing and it was love at first sight! After more appointments to follow, it was clear that this was a truly magical family that could give both these horses the support that they will need in the long run. Today, both Jagger and Fern are enjoying life together in the hands of a loving home. We can only expect the absolute best for these two as they continue their journeys together!
Congratulations Jagger and Fern!